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10 Questions to Ask Yourself About Yourself 

Check out these 10 questions to consider answering about yourself. In no particular order, set aside time to reflect and journal on the following:


  1. What are 3 healthy activities I actually enjoy doing that have no other return on investment except for expressing joy?

  2. How well do I set and uphold personal boundaries? Remember, boundaries aren’t set for other people to maintain but for defining how far you are willing to go.

  3. How comfortable am I at being genuinely content and in a place of calm?

  4. Do I self-sabotage? If so, in what areas and why?

  5. Do I consider myself a disciplined person? If not, what is one thing I can do daily to help strengthen my discipline?

  6. What is one simple way I can show self-love on a daily basis?

  7. What makes me genuinely laugh?

  8. What are 2 personal goals I’d like to accomplish when it comes to my inner world (thoughts, emotions, speaking)?

  9. What are two kind things I can say about myself outside of a role or responsibility?

  10. What can I do to spend more quality time with myself?



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